Your viewers, listeners, and readers are connected to their mobile phones even as they are engaged in their entertainment and information fix for the day. And they’re still connected when they’re not tuned in to their TV or radio show or skimming through their favorite read. With our multi-channel platform, you can now reach them in real time, all the time! Create two-way communication with your followers with any or all of our channels.


Reach through the screen and engage your viewers with features such as mobile voting and polling. Connect with viewers beyond show hours and let them in on the latest developments of a show via social media. Send reminders via mobile messaging for a show that they’re interested in so they never miss an episode. Inform viewers of local and national breaking news such as natural disasters, amber alerts, and emergencies.


Let your listeners be heard! They’ve turned up your station in the car, while waiting in line, or at home - now give them a voice. Interact with your listeners by inviting song requests by text or initiating fun promotions such as scavenger hunts. Let them asks questions or comment in real time during an interview or talk show. If your station has a street team, let your listeners know where it’s headed to increase turnout.


Now your readers don’t have to have your publication in their hands to stay connected! Let them opt in using our Online Sign-Up pages or mobile keywords so you can keep them in the loop with news, developments, and promotions. Use QR codes in your print copies and take them directly to the web for more information.