Education has become much more than academics today. With our multi-channel platform, schools can create a deeper sense of community and support for students by connecting teachers, parents, administration, and, of course, the students themselves.

Contact Parents

Sometimes school-wide announcements and information never reach those who need to know about them the most: parents. Communicate directly to parents via text message, email, and voice broadcast so they are always aware of events, important announcements, and emergencies.

Connect with Students

Today, students are more technologically savvy than ever. Why not use their preferred choice of communication to reach them? Send mass text messages or emails to alert them about events, announcements, and emergencies. Engage and include them in school-wide decisions and discussions with multi-channel voting and social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

Coordinate Faculty

Get all of faculty and staff on the same page so everyone can focus and work towards students’ education as one unit. Improve communication to and within staff with text, email, and voice broadcast. Group faculty by grade for K-12 institutions and by department for colleges and universities to facilitate effective and relevant communication.