Create a deeper sense of community by enriching your church’s network beyond weekly meetings. Use any of our channels to send inspirational quotes, announcements, or event reminders. Invite the congregation to actively participate in the growth and movement of your church using services such as Text-to-Screen and mobile voting campaigns.


Keep church members updated with real-time notifications and announcements via text, mobile, email, voice, and social media channels. Gather feedback and opinions on topics, decisions and events using our mobile voting campaigns. Engage your audience during services and events with Text-to-Screen and never have a dull moment.

Deepen relationships

Sometimes, once-weekly meetings don’t cut it. Reach out to members seeking more community throughout the week via mobile messages, email, social media, and voice broadcasting. Our platform isn’t limited to just communicating with members; leadership can also integrate texting or email into their network. Keep all department heads and small group leaders on the same page and strengthen your church top-bottom.

Grow in numbers

By connecting with members throughout the week and maintaining a virtual presence, your church can create buzz about events, services, values, and the list goes on! Let interested individuals easily find out more about your church using mobile keywords and short codes.