Make sure every event is packed and trendy with our multi-channel platform! Use text messages, emails, voice broadcast and social media to promote your events by informing party-goers of venue, dates, times and other important info for an exciting night out!

Invite and Remind

You’ve got the venue, date and time - now all you need is to get people there. For an audience that’s usually on their mobile phones, there is no better way to reach them than by mobile messaging, emails and social media. Send a mass invitation or an exclusive one using social media and send out a quick text to remind your attendees as the event draws nearer!

Use Mobile Keywords

You don’t need to waste money and time handing out flyers to uninterested people anymore. When you share a mobile keyword via social media, emails or posters, interested party-goers can punch it in and text it to a short code and immediately receive an automated text response with all the information.

Manage Contacts

Once your audience texts in your mobile keyword, their numbers are saved in a database so you can easily contact them for next week’s event! From here you can group contacts into specific lists such as city or interests. For example, if you want to get the word out about a club event in downtown Los Angeles, you can create a list of people who have LA listed as their location and let them know directly without blasting all your contacts.

Distribute Mobile Coupons

Entice your audience with mobile coupons and give them even more incentive to attend your event. Get creative with our platform and implement fun specials that’ll have your party-ers busting through the doors! Discounts on drinks or cover charges are sure to get your invitees to your event in a hurry and on time. All they have to do is show their mobile screen at the door or bar!